Lincolnshire Marriott — Lake County Partners — The Big Event 2023

I am thrilled to be sharing some highlights from Lake County Partners’ annual Big Event held last spring at Lincolnshire Marriott.  The Big Event is always a hot ticket for northern Chicagoland, bringing together nearly five hundred professionals from across Lake County. We come back to the venue year after year both because of its […]

The Fairlie Event– PaperSpecs Road Show

When Sabine Lenz of PaperSpecs reached out to us with a fresh idea she wanted to try to bring to life, we were thrilled to jump on board! She has an incredible amount of energy and creativity, and her events always bring an element of fun. For this event, she was working with a national planning […]

Lincolnshire Marriott — Lake County Partners’ Big Event

We always look forward to Lake County Partners’ Big Event – and this year was no exception. As we’ve seen with each passing year since we started working with the LCP team, this year’s event proved to be the biggest yet! The keynote speaker was someone we knew guests would be excited to hear from […]

Maple & Main Apartments — Grand Opening Party

Nothing cheers us up from the doldrums of winter like a fun, garden-themed spring party! Maple & Main Apartments, operated by Greystar, recently opened to the public and wanted to celebrate their stylish digs with a bang! We were ecstatic to help pull together a theme and source some key players for this Grand Opening […]