We always look forward to Lake County Partners’ Big Event – and this year was no exception. As we’ve seen with each passing year since we started working with the LCP team, this year’s event proved to be the biggest yet!

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The keynote speaker was someone we knew guests would be excited to hear from – journalist and author Sam Walker! Not only did he write the best-selling book Captain Class, he’s also currently the resident leadership expert with the Chicago Bears.

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Cobalt Photography

Word of mouth from past attendees, plus stellar design and online advertising initiatives from a5 Digital, proved to be the driving force behind an ever-growing guest list. We had to stop sales before the event for the first time, ever!

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Our space at the Lincolnshire Marriott was packed to the brim; we had coffee pouring non-stop, and guests were eager to network as much as they could before the official start of the breakfast.

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We were grateful to have the talent of Midwest Young Artists again this year; their string quartet proved to be the perfect music to provide atmosphere without drowning out the buoyant conversations during the networking hour.

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Lake County Partners team works hard to build purpose and meaning into every element of the event, and this year was no exception. With the keynote by Sam Walker, they were happy to share his wisdom with the masses — copies of his book were at every table, along with custom-made baseballs featuring the LCP logo!

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This year’s speakers were wonderful across the board – we were thrilled to see so many powerful women at the podium this year, too! We heard from the new Lake County chairperson, Sandy Hart, as well as Melissa Bean from Mesirow Financial, who spoke on the economic update and how it could impact Lake County. We also heard from Kim Wimer, the representative of the recipient of this year’s Talent Force winner: Laser Precision, who was introduced by Jennifer Harris, President of CR Search and Lake County Workforce Development Board Chair. Thanks to Hey It’s Matthew for making this wonderful and unique award — and way to go, ladies!

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Cobalt Photography
Cobalt Photography
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Guests were delighted to be able to head home with some great treats this year — from the copies of The Captain Class to the decadent and delicious brownies from The Bent Fork Bakery!

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We are already excited to get to work on next year’s Big Event — can’t wait to explore all the different ways we can grow this fantastic corporate breakfast!

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